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It's time to choose

19/04/2023 11:35


News, Donation, 5x1000, Fiscal detraction, Taxes,

It's time to choose

The Reform of the Third Sector, to which we have aligned ourselves, allows us to receive donations and among these also the 5x1000.


The Reform of the Third Sector, to which we have aligned ourselves, allows us to receive donations and among these also the 5x1000.
With your support, you will help us carry out the many social activities that we have been carrying out for more than 6 years with so much commitment, passion and dedication.

Donating your 5×1000 is really easy and free.
Here we want to explain in a little more detail how the 5×1000 works

5 per thousand: who gets it if you don't choose the association?

If you decide to donate your 5 x1000 and therefore sign in the appropriate box, but do not specify a particular association, then the share of your personal income tax is divided equally between all the associations and entities that have applied for it. Of course, this is an option you can consider, but certainly donating the 5×1000 in this way does not allow you to provide substantial help. It would be much better to specify an association, so that the entire fee goes to that particular reality that can use it to finance its projects. However, donating 5 per thousand is certainly better than not doing it, i.e. avoiding signing.

5 per thousand: who gets it if you don't sign?

If you decide not to put your signature in the 5x1000 box, then you exercise your right not to donate this amount to the association and third sector entities.

Be careful though, because that doesn't mean it stays in your pocket!

We remind you that the 5×1000 is part of the Irpef or income tax. Therefore, if you choose not to sign and not to donate it, it ends up in the state coffers together with the rest of the taxes. This too is an option, which some people prefer but which effectively nullifies the meaning of the 5 per thousand, created precisely to support those bodies and associations involved in social work and considered worthy.

In conclusion, in your next tax return, indicate the tax code 92035550125. It costs you nothing, but with your 5×1000 ARTandCHARITY it can do a lot.

Anyone wishing to register or make a simple donation can click here .
Thank you


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