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The Holocaust violin in Azzate with three great friends of ARTandCHARITY

19/01/2025 17:44


Concert, Event, Concert, ARTandCHARITY, Alessandra Sonia Romano, Nadio Marenco, music, Elda Olivieri, Violino della Shoah, Shoah, Azzate, Comune di Azzate, Pro Loco Azzate,

The Holocaust violin in Azzate with three great friends of ARTandCHARITY

On the occasion of the 2025 Day of Remembrance, ARTandCHARITY O.D.V. is pleased to invite the public to the concert "Music to Remember..."


On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance 2025, ARTandCHARITY O.D.V. is pleased to invite the public to the concert "Music to Remember. The Violin of the Shoah", a unique and touching event that will be held on Friday, January 24 at 8:45 PM at Sala Triacca, headquarters of the Pro Loco in Via Volta 26 in Azzate.

The protagonists of the evening will be Alessandra Sonia Romano on the violin, Nadio Marenco on the accordion, and the great Elda Olivieri as the narrator. These three extraordinary artists, great friends of our association and often present at our events, will lead the audience in an extraordinary musical and narrative journey, where the violin, the sole survivor of an era of horror, comes to life to personally testify to the drama and resilience of memory.

This concert represents a valuable opportunity to reflect on one of the darkest pages of our history and to pay tribute to all the victims of the Shoah, through the evocative power of music and narration.

The event is organized by the Municipality of Azzate in collaboration with the Pro Loco and the Azzate branch of ANPI.

Don't miss this exciting and meaningful evening. We look forward to seeing you there!



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