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We engage in activities of various kinds, always in the spirit of the statutory purposes, aimed at promoting Culture, Art and together offering social and humanitarian support.
A series of particular coincidences leads to the birth of the first event which will have with it that peculiarity that will always accompany it in the future. the path of the Association:
organize art and cultural events combining social and humanitarian support purposes.
We are in Noli in the Albergo Madri Pie on 10-11 June 2017, the beautiful garden in front of the entrance to the structure hosts us in the preparation of the exhibition " giornodarte a Noli ", pictorial works and sculptures by various artists from Varese and Milan.
Each artist donated one of his works to the Madri Pie Congregation, the proceeds of which were allocated to the creation of works at the Missions in Peru.
Free donations were also collected from visitors to the exhibition.
“ giornidarteaVarese ” from 1 to 30 March 2018 at the Camponovo location at Sacro Monte in Varese . Exhibition set up in all the spaces of the Camponovo exhibition location with works by different artists. The installation was generously curated by the architect Nicoletta Bardelli.
The fundraising was intended for the construction of the first water well in Togo in the village of Afagnan (in collaboration with Assoc. Apmed)
“ giornidarteaNoli ” - 2nd edition, with painting exhibition, concert and gala dinner in the garden of the Albergo Madri Pie in Noli (1-2 September 2018).
This time the collection of funds was destined for the Mission in Madascar , where a structure with a school and spaces for the reception of young single mothers was under construction in the hinterland of the island.
Collection of food, clothing and equipment for the Togolese population.
Start of collaboration with the local Togolese APMED Association through their contact Cristian Katou resident in Cittiglio (Va).
10/15/2021 Togolese dinner organized at Circolo Arolese (fundraising for the construction of a water well)
Musical Revival Review - 2nd Edition (Art and Music) – September/October 2021 –
The concerts were performed in the venues of S. Caterina del Sasso, Brunello, Albizzate, Vergiate, Cardano al Campo, Castello di Belgioioso (PV), with funds raised for the construction of a second water well in a village in Togo. with the close collaboration of the assoc. Togolese Apmed.
Collection of food , clothing and equipment, including a new small compressor and a PC, for activities in Togo. Shipment made.
The Rassegna Reviviscenze Musicali was born as a tool to combat all the infinite restrictions dictated by the Covid 2019 Pandemic. The concerts are held in the months of September/October 2019 in the venues of Gazzada-Schianno, Brunello, Vergiate.
The funds raised are intended for projects to be carried out in Togo in close collaboration with the Togolese Apmed Association.
We built a first well to supply water to local populations and supported the construction of the school .
We also provided a Togolese citizen with prosthetics to allow him to walk and continue with his activity.
Start of collaboration with the local Togolese association APMED and with their contact Cristian Katou resident in Cittiglio (Va).
We have reached the 3rd edition of the Reviviscenze Musicali review (September-November), we performed two concerts in Brunello, and subsequently in Bodio Lomnago (Church of S. Giorgio), Albizzate, Vergiate, Cardano al Campo. The Festival has grown both in the number of concerts performed and in the response from an increasingly large audience.
The proceeds collected were donated to the Giacomo Ascoli Foundation of Varese which supports children and families in the cancer treatment process by investing in research, services and structures.
In 2024, the ARTandCHARITY O.D.V. Association organized a total of 18 events, including exhibitions, concerts, and cultural trips, which received great participation and success. The Board decided to donate the proceeds received during the events to the "AFTER US" project activated by Magari Domani Onlus of Gazzada Schianno (Va).
The project is aimed at young women and men aged 16 to 35 and aims to achieve possible adulthood by accompanying participants through an Autonomy Training Service.
The year has been an important testimony to the association's commitment to promoting culture and art as tools of solidarity and social inclusion.
The Board of Directors has resolved that all the activities that will be carried out in 2023 will be aimed at supporting the " DOPO DI NOI " project activated by the Magari Domani Onlus of Gazzada Schianno (Va).
The intervention is aimed at young women and young men aged 16 to 35.
The aim of the Autonomy Training Service is the achievement of possible adulthood, each experience therefore becomes a useful tool to aim for this goal after the passing of the parents.
In particular, the resources will be allocated to less well-off families.
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