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Friendly Company

The strength of an Association, besides pursuing the purposes dictated by the Statute, also lies in the care it shows towards its members, which is why members benefit from special conditions on trips and events organized by us.
We wanted to do more.

It is our precise commitment to involve in our social project Companies, Merchants, and Reliable and Trustworthy Freelancers because it is an effective way to ensure the association the possibility of organizing activities and our members a preferential treatment and exclusive privileges, all aimed at achieving the purposes outlined in the Statute.

Today, the program "Business Friend" is a reality.
The Companies participating in the "Business Friend" program stand out for their reputation and reliability in providing high-level products and services.

Do you have a company, a commercial and/or professional activity, and want to join the "Business Friend" program? 
Contact us now! Click here

Focaccia Group Srl - Cervia
Estetica Vanna - Cirimido (Co)
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Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
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Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
Ideaventuno - Gazzada Schianno (Va)
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